JAVA Certification Track
1. Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Exam Version 1.0 (CX-310-019)
- Delivered at: Authorized Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: None
- Other exams/assignments required for this certification: None
- Exam type: Multiple choice and Drag and Drop
- Number of questions: 51
- Pass score: 68% (35 of 51 questions)
- Time limit: 115
- Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: None
- Other exams/assignments required for this certification: None
- Exam type: Multiple choice and drag and drop
- Number of questions: 72
- Pass score: 65% (47 of 72 questions)
- Time limit: 210 minutes
- Delivered at: Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform (any edition)
- Exam type: Multiple Choice and Drag and Drop
- Number of questions: 69
- Pass score: 70% (49 of 69 questions)
- Time limit: 180 minutes
- Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (any edition)
- Exam type: Multiple-Choice, Scenario-based questions and Drag-and-Drop questions
- Number of questions: 61
- Pass score: 59% (36 of 61 questions)
- Time limit: 145 minutes
- Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (any edition)
- Other exams/assignments required for this certification: None
- Exam type: Multiple choice, drag and drop
- Number of questions: 69
- Pass score: 68% (47 items of 69 questions)
- Time limit: 150 minutes
- Delivered at: Authorized Worldwide Prometric Testing Centers
- Prerequisites: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (any edition)
- Exam type: Multiple choice, drag and drop
- Number of questions: 68
- Pass score: 55% (38 items of 68)
- Time limit: 150 minutes
This exam consists of two parts first part is an programming assignment. The scale of the assignment can be imagined by the lines of code; roughly this assignment consists of 3500 lines of code.
The second part of this exam is an essay type consisting of four different questions that are related from your programming assignment of part one.
- Delivered at: CertManager database
- Prerequisites: Must be Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform (any edition)
- Other exams/assignments required for this certification: Step 2 (CX-310-027)
- Exam type: Programming assignment
- Number of questions: N/A
- Pass score: 320 points out of 400 possible points *
- Time limit: None
General Considerations - 80
Documentation - 50
Object-Oriented Design - 50
GUI - 70
Locking - 80
Language Fluency - 70
APIs relevant to the assignment
- Thread handling and synchronization
- Swing (and AWT to the extent necessary to support Swing)
- Standard file IO (, not java.nio)
- Either: Socket-based network programming and serialization _or_ Java RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation) (your choice of one or the other, not both)
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- Servlets, JSP technology, or any other web-oriented APIs
- NIO, the New IO facilities
- Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) and SQL
- Java IDL API and CORBA
- Third party software libraries or tools (such as browsers)
- Delivered at: Authorized Prometric testing centers
- Prerequisites: Must be Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform (any edition) Completion of Step 1 (CX-310-252A)
- Other exams/assignments required for this certification: Step 1 (CX-310-252A)
- Exam type: Essay
- Number of questions: 4
- Pass score: Subject to the evaluation of the essay exam and validation of the
- Time limit: 120 minutes