Tuesday, July 3, 2007

sp_rename @ SQL Server 2005

It Changes the name of a user-created object in the current database. This object can be a table, index, column, alias data type, or Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) user-defined type.


sp_rename @ObjectName, @ObjectNewName, @ObjectType


@ObjectName: is the name of the user object etc.
is the new name of the user object. It has no defaults.
defines the type of the user object to be renamed. The following types are supported:
  • A column
  • A database
  • An Index
  • UserDataType ( Alias type, objects created using CREATE statement and CLR user defined types)

1 comment:

Jacob Sebastian said...

Note that it is not a good idea to rename stored procedures, functions etc. It is far more safer to drop the procedure/function and recreate them with the new definition. See this: http://www.sqlserverandxml.com/2008/09/be-careful-when-renaming.html